A Love Story

Earlier this year I received an email from a women called Ashley in Cananda who was DESPERATE for some of our sequin flared trousers, which she wanted to get as a gift for her friend Danielle who was getting married later in the year. The girls had been at Kaslo Jazz Fest earlier in the year and seen Khruangbin play, if you don't remember, our gal Laura Leezy was wearing a full Sparklebutt cobalt blue sequin ensemble on stage - sequin flares with matching halter top. She looked amazing, like a human glitter ball. We did a blog post about it here and there's a video too, so you can see her in all the sparkly glory!
Now, bit of a back story if you don't know already, Sparklebutt actually started back in 2017 with me making the flares from my bedroom floor in Clapton. We have since stopped producing the flares and I didn't have any up online at the time either.
Back to Ashley's story: At the same time as Ashley emailing me begging for some flares, so did Danielle, the bride to-be. Both gals desperate to acquire some sequins. I had to have a real dig around the studio to see what I could find an managed to find a handful of flares to offer! I threw off Danielle saying we were sold out and managed to send some out to Ashley in Canada in time for the hen party.
Like the sisterhood of the travelling pants, the black silver sequin flares fit Danielle like a glove! The gals sent me over some photos from their magical hen party, which looked like the best weekend ever!
(Danielle is far left with the red jacket and sparkly booty)
As if all of this wasn't enough, a few weeks later Danielle emailed me saying:

So moral of the story is, Sparklebutts really do have superpowers guys! Wear them and you'll feel transformed into a sparkle power goddess/ god just like Danielle.
- Ashlee xx